domingo, julio 30, 2017
Hello, how have you been? I am very happy because.... I'M BACK haha. I know I'm not the best at constantly posting. Okay, and I admit it I'm a bit disorganized. But now I want to tell you a little about what has happened in my life in these last couple weeks, because these pictures were not planed, they're actually real experiences in my life.
I want to start by saying that I really love going to the beach, and a few weeks ago Cristian♡ and I had a small vacation and had a very relaxing and fun week. The best part was that we had the beach to ourselves, because we went on weekdays there was hardly anyone. Here some pictures......

Unas semanas después tuve la oportunidad de viajar a la sierra ecuatoriana, fue un viaje en familia muy divertido, porque caminamos, nos perdimos, subimos y bajamos calles, pero lo importante es que estábamos paseando jajaj… espero que se repita pronto. Les muestro algunas fotitos que tome de los lindos paisajes que tiene nuestro país, y no podía dejar pasar esta oportunidad para tomarme unas fotitos.
A few weeks later I had the chance to travel to the Ecuadorian highlands, it was a very fun family trip, because we walked, we got lost, we went up and down the streets, but the important thing was that we were adventuring hahaha ... I hope I can go back soon. Here are a few pics that I took of the beautiful landscapes that our country has, and of course I couldn't miss the opportunity to take some as well!
Como ya les había comentado uno de mis lugares favoritos es la playa, así que unas semanitas después, aprovechando las vacaciones de la universidad ¡volví! esta vez por muchos más días y como ya paso la temporada hacia un poquito de frío pero no importo, porque tenía buena compañía...
As I said one of my favorite places is the beach, so a couple of weeks later I had to go back! and this time we stayed a bit was a little cold but it didn't matter, because I had good company...

Hicimos muchisisismas cosas y una de ellas fue observar ballenas, una experiencia única porque es algo increíble ver de cerquita a estos animales tan grandes, ver como saltan y juegan en el mar es algo emocionante pues me sentí con un poco de miedo y asombro al mismo tiempo. Al principio se hizo un poco difícil encontrarlas y tuvimos que ir mar adentro hasta el punto que ya no veíamos tierra por ningún lado, pero después de una larga espera las pudimos ubicar y acompañarlas por un ratito.
We did a lot of things and one of them was going whale watching, a unique experience because it"s amazing to see these huge animals so close, see them jump and play in the sea is something exciting because I felt a little scared but amazed at the same time. At first it was a little difficult to find them and we had to go very far to a point that we no longer could see land anywhere, but after a long wait we were able to find and accompany them for a while.
También visitamos una comuna (Agua Blanca) que nos llamó la atención porque este sitio es completo, tiene museo, laguna de azufre y un mirador con vista a un increíble bosque seco, la caminata fue un poco cansada pero en serio vale la pena llegar hasta arriba. Al ir subiendo para el mirador nos encontramos con unos buhos, pajaros de todos los colores, chivos y chanchitos chiquitos jaja eran hermosos pero ni fotos le pudimos tomar porque salían corriendo. Nos pusimos una natural y suave mascarilla de lodo de azufre jaja… y si funciono nos dejó la cara suavecita!
We also visited a commune (Agua Blanca) that caught our attention because this place is complete, it has a museum, a sulfur lagoon and a observation deck overlooking an incredible dry forest, the hike was a bit tiring but seriously worth it to the top. As we walked we found some owls, colorful birds, goats and little piglets haha they were cute but I couldn't get any pictures because they ran. We put on a natural and soft mask of sulfer mud lol ... and if it worked left us face softly!

Además entramos a Los Frailes, una playa que parecía un sueño, ya habia estado aqui algunas veces antes pero nunca la había explorado como esta vez, se ganó mi corazón y se convirtió en una de mis playas favoritas. Aquí también caminamos por un sendero hasta llegar a otro mirador pero esta vez con una vista impresionante del mar, y a esto se le sumaba el sonido relajante de las olas, se podía ver la inmensidad del mar y su color azulito. Cuando nos fuimos a bañar al mar, nos sorprendimos tanto porque parecía piscina el agua era tan transparente que podíamos vernos los dedos de los pies, aunque estaba un poco fría no quería salir de ahí ¡y ni olas había! Me encanto y ya quiero volver otra vez y otra vez jaja…. .
We visited Los Frailes as well, a beach that looked like a dream, I have been here a few times before but I have never explored it like this time, it won my heart and it became one of my favorite beaches. Here we also walked along a path until we reach another viewpoint but this time with a breathtaking view of the sea, plus the relaxing sound of the waves, you could see the immensity of the sea and its blue color. When we went swimming, we were both surprised because it seemed like a pool, the water was so clear we could see our toes, although it was a bit cold I didn't want to get out of there, there weren't even waves! I loved it and I want to go back again and again haha .... .

Strolling along the beach, we found this little turtle almost dying, we didn't know what to do with it so we took it back to our hotel where they put it in water, and we were told that hundreds of turtles lay their eggs on that beach, but surely this one didn't make it to the water, the owners of the hotel called the nearest animal shelter and after a few minutes it was taken away.
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